Ray Powell 07/29/2016

I just cast my first batch with this mold. This is my first 5 cavity mold, I'm use to a 2 cavity mold so I noticed how much heavier it is and how long it takes to get the mold to temp. It casts a very nice bullet my Lyman #2 mix dropped on average 164 gn. and they measured .9715" long by .3115" wide. I was pleased with everything, however there is a learning curve for casting with this many cavities. Great mold guys I do hope it shoots as good as it looks. We'll find out about that soon as well.

Ken Hall 03/08/2016

The Sliver is hot!
The loaded boolitz fit the throat of my 308 perfectly. The boolitz had light marks from beginning of throat and lightly engraved from the rifling when the gas check boolitz were seated to the base of the neck of the 308 case. (3) 10 shot groups were pushing velocity over 2100 with my 1x10 twist 24" barreled 308. When the boolitz have had some time to age to reach a stable hardness I am expecting way better than very good results.

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